We are beings of ascension. We come to this world to learn the lessons needed for personal and group enlightenment. The best way to be conscious of the role one plays in the enlightening of this collective family is to love oneself and do the inner work. The light that is released when doing this work shines forth like a beacon and guides the lives of those around you. At this point there is no need to rack the brain in efforts to change the world. For like Gandhi did by changing himself from within and became the light he wanted to see in this world, so can we "get two birds with one stone" and create a lasting peace without by becoming peaceful on the inside.
From my early childhood I believe I am special though over time I forgot just how special I am. It happens to all of us that come to this world where light and learning have been on the back burner of the collective consciousness. Deep within the workers of light who have at various times throughout history flowered and were misunderstood, is a little push of fear that in this incarnation we will be judged, martyred and crucified. I have felt this within myself. Though now I laugh at this fear as I awaken.
Surely in another life I must have felt the pain of being shunned by a people for being one of God's children of light...else I would not have such memory. So if the possibility exists to again be shunned why then would one choose to be such a beacon and claim his/her power. I will tell you that it is inevitable that we come to know our birthright and enlightenment, it is now; Now is the time here in this life. So we come back to why if such ignorance still exists would we choose a path that has been for generations the path of loneliness and isolation. Because although the memory of "witch hunts and inquisitions" exists it is only a memory. The light of these times was merely sent away and not extinguished. The light exists here and now in the hearts of many who were once the few. The light of truth once found in isolated pockets is now dispersed everywhere. The web of light is brighter than ever upon this earth and I call to you now to shine brightly and rejoice.
Connecting the love dots is a title I thought of today in meditation. I realized that a big aspect of forgiveness is remembering. The times we live half heartedly and foolhardily require us to forgive ourselves. But what is this forgiveness but a reconnection. The only way we can forgive is by coming fully awake and conscious of the love we all possess. In these moments of clarity we often look back to ask for forgiveness for the times of "sleep walking". When we forgive ourselves and really mean it there is a lightness about our auras and physiology. I believe the forgiveness is a connection from the present moment of clarity to a former moment of clarity before the dark sleep. We all have moments of brightness. If in such a moment we reach back through time to another moment of brightness we connect the dots and everything in between is forgiven and enlightened. In this way we are able to learn from mistakes and literally change the past!
So in this moment of awakening become fiercely present and remember a time (if during one of our hypno-sessions one can literally reach back to Love/light of former lives) of great presence and light emanating from you. You are now involved in "Connecting Love Dots" and everything in between, all lives and thoughts and actions are now forgiven and enlightened. Considering the implications of this for a moment. Radical yes$%:!
In a recent mediation I connected with the time of Jesus and the Essenes and literally millennia of personal history was enlightened. I changed the past and could feel it now like a massive and very pleasant jolt to my body. I have been in a dream of tangible peace every moment since.
I invite you now to connect your love dots and know you are safe, loved and admired by angels.